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1. What does the evaluation of the second and following years of doctoral studies consist of?

In the following courses, the Academic Committee evaluates the fulfillment of the doctoral student's Research Plan, as well as the completion of the training activities provided for in the Training Plan.

The doctoral student will upload the self-report in pdf format to the online platform RAPI, once you get the agreement of the thesis supervisor and the tutor.

The thesis supervisor and the tutor will view the documents submitted to RAPI by the doctoral students, in the "activity document" menu and in the "Research plan" menu. They will then upload to RAPI the respective Report for the annual follow-up of the doctoral student and record their assessment.

2. What documents for the evaluation of 2nd and following courses?

- PhD students: Self-report

- Thesis Supervisor/Tutor: Report for the annual follow-up of the doctoral student

- The thesis director and the tutor can issue a report jointly, using the Annual monitoring of the Research Plan and training activities document.

The doctoral student must develop the Self-report document on the progress made that year.

The director of the thesis and the tutor the Annual Monitoring Report of the Research Plan and the training activities , must assess the evolution of the doctoral student during the course to be evaluated, with respect to the Research Plan, the Data Management Plan and the Training Plan.

Note from PhD Programme in Health: both the "Research Plan" template and the "Annual Self-Report" template can be downloaded from the “Avaluació anual” resource folder of the Virtual Campus of "1306 Doctorate in Health (RD 99/ 2011)".

3. How do you get the documentation to the Academic Committee?

Through the RAPI online platform and following this order:

1. Doctoral students upload the required documents to the evaluation call

2. The thesis supervisors and tutors view and validate the documents of the doctoral students assigned to them, issue their report and upload it to the platform.

3. The Academic Committee grades the doctoral students based on the assessment made by the thesis supervisors and tutors, and on the documentation submitted by the doctoral students.

4. How does the Academic Committee carry out the Evaluation?

The Academic Committee will evaluate the progress of the PhD student, according to the criteria of the Programme. In this link  you can check each rating and its description.

In the event that the grade is negative, he or she must communicate this to the doctoral student and the thesis supervisors so that they can present a new self-report, in the next call. It will indicate the deficiencies detected in the comments section.

In the event that the deficiencies continue to occur, the Academic Commission must issue a reasoned report that will be recorded in RAPI, and the doctoral student will be definitively removed from the Programme.

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