To include an INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISATION on the back of the doctoral degree certificate it is necessary that conform the requisites established in Academic Regulations for Doctoral Courses, article 33.1:
- That while enrolled in doctoral thesis supervision, the PhD student has spent a minimum of three months conducting research that has been approved by the UdL in an institution of higher education or in a prestigious research centre outside Spain.
- The stay must be endorsed by the thesis supervisor and authorized by the Academic Committee of the Doctorate programme.
- Once the stay has ended, the doctoral student must request a certificate from the centre in which he/she has been. This certificate must state the exact dates of the stay, the supervisors of that centre and the activity carried out. This certificate must be included in your activity document.
- A stay in the researcher's country of habitual residence will not be accepted in order to qualify for the international mention. However, if the stay is made, it must be registered in the activity document.
- The PhD student can stay in different institutions, as long as the sum of all of them is at least 3 months.
- That the doctoral thesis, or a part of it (at least the abstract and conclusions), is written in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in its field of knowledge other than any of the official languages of Spain. A part of the thesis must also be presented in one of the aforementioned languages in the thesis defense (viva). This rule is not applicable when the research stays and the reports from experts in the given field come from a Spanish-speaking country.
- That the independent reports on the PhD thesis are provided by a minimum of two external experts who belong to a higher education institution or research centre different from the centre where the PhD student has done his or her research stay and who are from outside Spain.
- That at least one of the members of the thesis defense (viva) tribunal is an expert on the research field of the thesis who belongs to a higher education institution or research centre in a state other than Spain. This person must come from a different centre than the one where the research stay was carried out.
- That the thesis defense (viva) has been carried out at the UdL. In the case of joint PhD programmes, either in any of the participating universities or in accordance with the terms set forth in the collaboration agreements.