- Royal Decree 576/2023, of July 4, which modifies Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, which regulates official doctoral studies

- Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, approving the official doctorate teachings

- Royal Decree 43/2015, of February 2, by which Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, is amended, by which the organization of official university education is established, and Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28, by which the official doctorate teachings are regulated.

- Royal Decree 534/2013, of July 12, by which the royal decrees are modified 1393/2007, of October 29, by which the ordination of official university education is established; 99/2011, of January 28, by which the official doctorate teachings , and 1892/2008, of November 14, which regulates the conditions for access to the official undergraduate university courses and admission procedures to the Spanish public universities .

- Royal Decree 1791/2010, of December 30, approving the the Statute of the university student

- Royal Decree 103/2019, of March 1, approving the Statute of predoctoral research in training

- Reial decret 822/2021, de 28 de setembre, with establishes the organization of university education and the procedure for ensuring its quality.


- Creation of the Doctoral School of the UdL, approved by Agreement No. 63/2011 of the Governing Council of March 30, 2011.

- Creation of the Commission in charge of the preparation of an Operating Regulations of the Doctoral School of the UdL, approved by Agreement No. 64/2011 of the Governing Council of March 30, 2011.

- School Internal Regulations of Doctorate of the UdL, approved by Agreement No. 104/2012 of the Governing Council of May 30 2012.

- Procedure for choosing the representation of researchers in training to the Steering Committee of the Doctoral School and to the academic commissions of the different doctoral programs, approved by Agreement No. 295/2016 of the Governing Council of December 12, 2016 .

- University of Lleida ethical code, approved by Agreement No. 276/2009 of the Governing Council of October 29, 2009

- Regulations for the recognition of the supervision of Doctoral Theses at the University of Lleida, approved by Agreement nº 33/2022 of the Governing Council of February, 23, 2022

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